New & Noteworthy

Food Management Top 50 2023: #36
We have been ranked as one of the Food Management Top 50 Companies for 11 consecutive years.
Awards, Certifications, & Partnerships

Food Safety & Sanitation Award of Excellence
Our food facility is routinely inspected by the Santa Cruz County Environmental Health Service and has maintained an exemplary record with respect to both proactive approaches to food safety and sanitation practices and implementation of timely corrective measures when appropriate.

Fair Trade
We serve Fair Trade-certified products at all our corporate and educational locations. In conjunction with Fair Trade Campaigns, we’re helping our educational campuses achieve Fair Trade status.

We are certified as a Green Business by the Santa Clara County Green Business Program. The certification honors businesses that “demonstrate environmental stewardship that goes above and beyond the minimum required by local regulations.”

GreenTown Co-op
In conjunction with GreenTown Los Altos, we created the GreenTown Co-op, a buyers’ cooperative that provides 100% certified compostable containers, cups, and cutlery to all our facilities and to Bay Area businesses.

Governor's Environmental & Economic Leadership Award
We earned the State of California’s most prestigious environmental honor, the Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award, for our Waste Not Program. Through this program, we’re eliminating plastic and food waste, reducing vehicle miles, and using food that is healthy and produced in the least environmentally damaging manner possible.

Slow Food Business Supporter
Slow Food USA is happy to have Epicurean Group as a Small Business Supporter. This member post highlights a great example of how a business can help bring good, clean, fair food to all.

Top 50 Contract Management Companies
The FM Top 50 is the definitive list of the largest firms in the contract food service industry.
2023: No. 36
2022: No. 37
2021: No. 36
2020: No. 34
2019: No. 34
2018: No. 36
2017: No. 37
2016: No. 37
2015: No. 36
2014: No. 40
2013: No. 44
6 Companies to Watch, 2016

Slow Food USA invited Epicurean Group founder and CEO Mary Clark Bartlett to be a U.S. delegate to Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, the global Slow Food conference. The conference was held September 22–26, 2016, in Turin, Italy.

Epicurean Group founder and CEO Mary Clark Bartlett was named one of the 2014 Silicon Valley Business Journal Women of Influence for her business acumen and success, as well as for her strong commitment to the environment and to the Silicon Valley community.

GreenTown Environmental Hero
Epicurean Group founder and CEO Mary Clark Bartlett was honored with the Environmental Hero Award for her ecological leadership, presented by the Bay Area nonprofit GreenTown Los Altos.

Antonin Carême
The Chefs’ Association of the Pacific Coast, honored Mary Clark Bartlett, CEO, and founder of Epicurean Group, with the prestigious Antonin Carême Medal. The award honors “individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the culinary profession, to education, or the advancement of gastronomy and to the culinary arts.”
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Epicurean Group - 111 Main Street, Suite 3, Los Altos, CA 94022 - 415.895.2800
Corporate and Campus Restaurants | Fine Arts and Distinctive Community Dining | Exceptional Catering