Make someone happy this season of jolly.
- 2023
- 2021
“The art of preparing desserts is much more than knowing how to make recipes to perfection: it is a real gesture of love.”
– Ernst Knam
“The rooms were very still while the pages were softly turned and the winter sunshine crept in to touch the bright heads and serious faces with a Christmas greeting.”
– Louisa May Alcott

“Let us have music for Christmas…
Sound the trumpet of joy and rebirth;
Let each of us try, with a song in our hearts,
To bring peace to men on earth.”
– Mildred L. Jarrell
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Epicurean Group - 111 Main Street, Suite 3, Los Altos, CA 94022 - 415.895.2800
Corporate and Campus Restaurants | Fine Arts and Distinctive Community Dining | Exceptional Catering